Wednesday, January 05, 2005

New Chapeaux for the Harlot

Does anyone remember when the Harlot was going on about all it seemed that she was knitting was mittens? Well, I volunteered to knit her a hat or two. I knocked off 2 hats really fast. I than used the hats to cushion some really good chocolate that would help to calm her while she knits. She posted photos of the hats in today's blog but sadly she did not post a photo of her wearing at least one of them. The chocolate apparently suffered some evil fate at the hands of the Harlot so no photos of it will appear.

I am in the finishing stages of a third and final hat for Stephanie. I should be able to finish it up hopefully tonight and will post a photo of it before I mail it. I decided on 3 chapeaux for Stephanie because I figured that her lovely daughters might shall we say "borrow" them.

And the photo posted below is of the church steeple right down the street from my office. I stood out in the rain to take the picture. The sky has looked like that for the past 3 days.


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