Socks, Socks, & Packages
Okay, I am playing catchup here. This really should have been yesterday's post but I was a little bit busy yesterday afternoon. I had a fire prevention/station tour scheduled at 1 pm for a play group of 2 to 4 year olds. I was in the station and had just finished cleaning up when I heard the pre-alert of "Box 11-22." (A box is a big fire here in simple terms.) And my fire company's number is 11 so that meant it was in our first due. Lucky for me, one of the junior members had just walked in and she was dressed up. When I asked her if she was running calls today and she said no, I asked her if she would take the fire prevention. Thankfully she said yes!!!! So I jumped in my gear and jumped on the engine. Thankfully someone had already knocked the fire down with a garden house by the time we got there. But we still had to check everything out. And that included pulling down some siding and pulling apart a wall in the next door neighbor's house.I had just gotten back from that one when we got hit out for our second box of the day. This time I was lucky enough to have the front seat of the engine. The duty battalion chief was already on scene and the fire was out. Residential sprinklers are great!!!! Yes, they do cause some water damage but which is easier to deal with - water damage or fire and smoke damage? Trust, water damage is much easier to deal with over smoke damage.
All I had to do was basically get my driver, who is also one of my lieutenants there and put us on scene, to the scene. And my chief stopped by on his way home from work and he kept trying to get my lieutenant do do the paperwork. Since I rode "seat," I was allowed to do the on-scene paperwork. The chief took care of the paperwork that we have to do to meet the state and federal reporting requirements.
And last night was the Holiday Cheer Party at my local Starbucks. And yes, I was there. Fun was had by all!!!!
So yesterday, I had planned on showing off pictures of my completed socks from the last few weeks. I have photographed one of each one before but never the complete pair. So they are posted through out this post.
Tomorrow, look for the report on my wonderful scarf from ISE3 and the wonderful goodies that my SK (secret knitter) included with my scarf!!
Beautiful socks! Looks like a great package!
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